Updated Water Restrictions as of July 7th, 2011

  • Odd numbered houses can now water anytime during the day Tuesdays and Saturdays.
  • Even numbered houses can now water anytime during the day Wednesdays and Sundays.
  • (We are no longer restricted to before 6 AM and after 9 PM.)
  • Being allowed to water at anytime during the assigned day should split up the demand for water throughout the day. This past week there has been a spike in demand at 9 PM (as we all water at the same time) so pressure has been an issue.
  • As the river flow slows we hope to ease water restrictions even further.
  • At no time has water quality ever been compromised.

- Randy Donauer Ward 5 City Council


News Release For Immediate Release:  July 7, 2011


Effective immediately, the City is adjusting the outdoor watering times for citizens. Buildings with odd-numbered addresses will now be able to water their lawns and gardens at any time of the day on Tuesdays and/or Saturdays. Buildings with even-numbered addresses will now be able to water their lawns and gardens at any time of the day on Wednesdays and/or Sundays. Please see the official declaration for more details.

The time restriction on outdoor watering has been adjusted for two reasons. First, the Water Treatment Plant continues to improve capacity and is at approximately 80% of normal. Anticipated significant reductions in river flow and improved filter capacity have allowed this. Second, citizens are experiencing low water pressure during the allowable evening watering due to the extensive amount of irrigation that is occurring.

The City greatly appreciates the efforts of citizens to reduce their water use. Reduced water use has been a critical factor in enabling the Water Treatment Plant to slowly restore plant capacity. The outdoor irrigation restrictions will remain in place until Friday, July 15, or when full capacity at the plant is once again possible.

The City continues to encourage conservation efforts by citizens. Lawns and gardens only need 1 inch of water every week, and it is better for the plant’s root system to water deeply. Remember not to overwater and to use water wisely.

Some general tips for your lawn and garden include:

•         Use rain barrels on your property to catch and store rain water. Not only is this a great, fresh water source for watering your garden and pots, it’s free!

•         By keeping your grass longer, approximately 3 inches high, the soil will retain more moisture, and less watering will be necessary.

•         Water your lawn/garden only once a week, and skip a week after a good rain. Soil should be allowed to dry between watering to encourage root development.

•         Water your lawn/garden deeply, approximately 1 inch, at each watering. One way to judge an inch of water is to place empty tuna cans or an upside down Frisbee on your lawn. When the container is full, you have watered 1 inch. The time to fill the container will vary depending on the type of sprinkler or irrigation method.

Saskatoon Fire & Protective Services staff have the ability to issue tickets, starting at $300, for non-compliance when the outdoor restriction is reported and proven. Residents within Saskatoon can call 975-2828 to file a complaint about non-compliance during a water restriction.

Revised Official Declaration - The mandatory outdoor irrigation water restriction is in place from 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 7, until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, July 15, unless earlier discontinued or extended.

Watering of lawns/gardens is prohibited, except:

•         Lawns/gardens at buildings with street addresses ending in an odd number, or do not have a street address (like a community garden), may be watered on Tuesdays and Saturdays at any time of the day.

•         Lawns/gardens at buildings with street addresses ending in an even number may be watered on Wednesdays and Sundays at any time of the day.

•         Buildings with lawn turf placed within the previous 14 days, or lawns seeded within the last 30 days, may water such turf or seeded lawn each day at any time of the day.

•         Companies and citizens may water following lawn fertilization on the day of the application of the fertilizer at any time.

•         City-maintained parks and sport fields may be watered on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays at any time of the day.

Dated: July 7, 2011