The SHCA is excited to be offering youth soccer for the Outdoor 2025 soccer season.
The season runs April 28th to June 26. There is a weekend tournament June 6-8, 2025.
U5 (born 2020) - Coed- games on Monday, practices on Wednesday. They will play 3 v 3 with no goalie. The fee is $125
U7 (born 2018 or 2019) - Girls- games on Thursday, practices on Tuesday. Boys - games on Wednesday, practices on Monday. They will play 3 v 3 with no goalie. The fee is $135.
U9 (born 2016 or 2017) - Girls - games on Tuesday, practices on Thursday. Boys-games on Monday, practices on Wednesday. They will play 5 v 5 with a goalie. The fee is $145.
If you would like to register your child but the practice days do not work for you please email as there may be the potential of the odd team having a different day
Registration NOW ON !
Click link to register RAMP
Questions? Please contact our Soccer Coordinator for assistance: Kayleigh –
How is youth soccer in Saskatoon organized?
Youth and Mini soccer is organized by Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. (SYSI). An introduction to soccer up to age 9 is offered through Community Association, after which the players move to one of the soccer clubs in the city. Players showing a great commitment to soccer can move to the clubs as early as age 7.
SHCA soccer is organized by our volunteer Soccer Coordinator and coaches. We are always looking for more assistance — if you are interested in helping out please contact our Soccer Coordinator.
What are the seasons?
The SHCA offers soccer for both indoor and outdoor seasons. Our outdoor season runs from beginning of May through end of June (weather-dependent), and the indoor season runs from end of October through March. Practices will be set by the coaches so coaching is a great way to ensure practice schedules work for you.
What are the leagues and when do they play?
Under 4 (Co-Ed)
Children under 4 can register with HappyFeet at
Under 5 (Co-Ed)
The focus of under 5 is on building elementary skills and learning the basics of match play. Teams are usually 6 to 9 players. Typically teams will have one practice and one match per week. Practices and matches are usually held in area parks for the outdoor season and in local school gyms for the indoor season. Games are 3 versus 3 with no goal keeper and the coaches are on the field to assist the children in the game play and to act as a referee. Parental involvement is encouraged. This league is sponsored by Tim Horton’s and each player receives a TimBits Soccer shirt to keep.
Under 7 (Girls, Boys)
The focus of under 7 will be increased ball handling and the basics of match play. Teams will have between 7 and 10 players. Typically teams will have one practice and one match per week. Practices and matches are usually held in area parks for the outdoor season. For the indoor season practices are held in local school gyms and match play occurs at either the Saskatoon Soccer Centre on Nelson Road or the Henk Ruys Soccer Centre. Games are 4 versus 4 with a goal keeper and the coaches are on the field to assist the children in the game play and to act as a referee. Parental involvement is encouraged.
Under 9 (Girls, Boys)
The focus of under 9 is greater independence in play and greater awareness of team play. Teams are usually 10 to 14 players and match play is 5 versus 5 with a goal keeper. Typically, there is one practice and one match per week lasting around an hour each. Practices and matches are usually held in area parks for the outdoor season. For the indoor season practices are held in local school gyms and match play occurs at the Saskatoon Soccer Centre on Nelson Road or the Henk Ruys Soccer Centre in Lawson Heights. Coaches are on the field during match play to assist the players and to act as referees.
Ten and Over (Girls, Boys)
Visit for more information or go directly to
League registration is determined by birth year not age. Please contact one of our Soccer Coordinators if you have questions about which program to register your child for.
Note: we no longer offer Kindersoccer due to lack of volunteers, but have arranged for Happy Feet to provide soccer programming to this age group in our community. Details can be found with regular programming information. Lawson Heights Community Association still organizes Kindersoccer if you are looking for this program.
How do I register my child?
Registration for SHCA Youth Soccer is completed online at Registration dates are announced through our website, social media, newsletters and signs posted outside elementary schools. If you miss registration, please contact our Soccer Coordinator to enquire about late registration. A $10 charge will be applied to all late registrations.
How are teams made?
Once registrations are complete we begin to sort children into teams based on the number of registrations and the available number of coaches. We work to balance teams with a combination of new and experienced players as well as taking into consideration special circumstances that have been brought to our attention.
My child has special circumstances. How do I communicate this at registration?
We encourage parents to provide as much information to us at the time of registration so that soccer is an enjoyable experience for every child. Information such as which school a child attends, particular friends they would like to play with, or other considerations that could affect their placement on a team is very helpful to include in the notes section. We make every effort to accommodate requests, but appreciate your understanding if we can’t.
What are the fees?
Fees will be communicated prior to registration, and fees are set each season to cover the expenses of running the league, registration of players for tournaments and equipment.
If you do not have a valid Community Association membership you will need to purchase one to register for soccer. The annual SHCA membership fee will be automatically added on when you register your child.
Is financial assistance available?
Financial assistance to join organized sport is available through KidsSport. Please refer to their website at or contact our Soccer Coordinator to learn more.
When will we get the schedule?
Practice times are scheduled around the matches. Once the match dates for each team are known practice time will be allocated and communicated to families.
What kind of equipment does my child need?
A pair of shin guards and soccer socks are required. A pair of non-marking gym shoes is required in case of indoor practices in inclement weather. A pair of cleats is recommended for use on turf or grass fields. Shorts and shirts to be used for matches will be provided.
What is the cancellation policy?
If you have registered your child and they become unable to play, please contact our Soccer Coordinator for assistance.
Who are the coaches?
Youth soccer at the community level is coached by parent volunteers. Volunteer coaches and coaching assistants are always needed and coaching clinics are offered through SYSI. Without coaches the leagues cannot run — please contact our Soccer Coordinator to inquire about volunteering.
Do I need to play soccer or have coaching experience to be a coach?
No. There are coaching clinics available and the focus at this level of play is on building fundamentals and having fun. We guarantee you will have fun, too!
I would like to coach. How do I sign up?
Please fill out the following form OR when you are registering your child to play, please indicate your willingness to coach, co-coach or act as a team manager in the notes section. An early identification of parents willing to help out assists greatly when it comes time to make teams.
I still have questions. Who do I contact to learn more?
Please contact our Soccer Coordinator for assistance.
Kayleigh –
Hollandia – Under 9 Developmental (Girls, Boys)
This league is focused on individual skill development for players whose primary activity is soccer and who have a high level of passion and commitment to the game. Teams will be made up of players from the entire Hollandia draw area. This league will have a minimum of two practices and one game per week. Game play at this league often does not follow traditional game play and focuses more on small sided games. Registration will be online at Please see their website for registration dates and costs.
Astra and Happy Feet Private Academies
Happy Feet offers training at Kindersoccer and U5 ages and Astra offers programming for players in the U7 and greater age groups. All coaches have formal certification, and players focus on individual skill development with a greater number of sessions per week. Players in this academy may enter tournaments, but do not participate in league play. Refer to their websites for more information: or