Silverwood Heights Basketball League
2024-2025 Season Information
If you have questions about SHCA basketball programming, please read through the FAQs at the bottom of this page.
Please visit the SMBA website and Fall-Winter League Information Page for more information.
Please watch the SMBA website or this webpage for updates. The SHCA will also post update(s) on the SHCA Facebook page.
Basketball programming for all kids going into grades 1 - 12. Teams for the Community League players in grades 3-12 will be created by Community Association coordinators to ensure local kids play together and practice in local school gyms. If you are interested in coaching, please refer to the FAQs below.
NEW for 2024-2025: SMBA will host a competitive league for Mini and Bantam age groups called the Next Level Development League (NLDL). There will be an evaluation camp and teams will be drafted based on skill level. Questions? See the NLDL FAQ for information on this new league.
Normally, the basketball season runs from October to March (October to February for Dunkaroos and Spuds). Practices are usually once a week on a weekday evening; games are on Saturdays. Dunkaroos only meet once a week on Saturdays.
Age Divisions and Fees (per player):
Dunkaroos (Co-Ed) - Grades 1 and 2: $125
Spuds (Co-Ed) - Grades 3 and 4: $150
Mini Girls /Mini Boys - Grades 5 and 6: $190
Bantam Girls/Bantam Boys - Grades 7 and 8: $200
Junior Girls/Junior Boys - Grades 9 and 10: $240
Senior Girls/Senior Boys - Grades 11 and 12: $280
All players need their own SMBA, reversible basketball jersey.
You can:
reuse your SMBA jersey from a previous year;
use a SMBA Spring League jersey; or
purchase a new jersey from Al Anderson’s Online Store — please order through the registration form on SMBA.
If you have any questions about jerseys, contact the SHCA Basketball Coordinator at
If you are interested in coaching or assisting, read more in the FAQs below. As a thank you from the Community Association, the Head Coach will receive ONE free Adult SHCA Indoor Recreation program, to be used anytime during the 2022-2023 season.
For information about funding to help cover the costs of the registration fees, please contact KidSport Saskatoon: (click Apply for Assistance).
Basketball FAQs
Silverwood Basketball is part of the Saskatoon Minor Basketball Association (SMBA) and is organized by a volunteer coordinator. Teams are all run by volunteer coaches.
How are teams made?
Normally, all the information is compiled and once the registrations are completed (around the third week of September), we sort children into teams based on the number of registrations, the available number of coaches, as well as years of experience of the players. This can take about a week to sort out, or even longer if we need to find teams for players or a coach for a team. Please be patient!
If there are not enough registrations to form a local team, or if there is no coach for a local team, the players may be transferred to or from other areas in the city to complete a team. Effort will be made to keep players as close to the Silverwood Heights area as possible, but we cannot guarantee this.
When do we get the schedule?
Coaches will contact players around the fourth week of September. Practice times will be communicated at this time. We understand that this process has quite a bit of uncertainty for the parents who are trying to organize their family’s schedule. Sorting out practice times for multiple teams in multiple sports at multiple locations can be tricky, and we ask for your patience! Silverwood teams will practice at schools within our community and practice times depend on gym availability and the coach’s preferences. Practice evenings are once a week, usually either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evening. Games are always held on Saturdays.
Games will start mid-October and are played in two series of pools until mid-March. Locations for games are various schools in the city.
What kind of equipment does my child need?
A pair of clean, non-marking gym shoes, preferably a basketball-style shoe
Athletic shorts and SMBA reversible jersey (as described above)
Who are the coaches?
Basketball coaches are all volunteers who love the sport! Volunteer coaches and coaching assistants are always needed and training is supplied at no charge by SMBA. Coaches are required to have completed the Respect in Sport online training module as well as a Criminal Record Check. Without volunteer coaches, the league cannot run. Your child’s team may depend on your willingness to volunteer: No coach? No Team!
I would like to coach or help out with the team. How do I sign up?
Please contact the Basketball Coordinator at An early identification of parents willing to help out greatly assists and speeds up the process of creating the teams. Each team needs a Head Coach; having an assistant coach and/or team manager helps spread the work and makes it less daunting for one person to do. Please consider helping out! As a thank you from the community association, the Head Coach will receive ONE free Adult SHCA Indoor Recreation program, to be used anytime during the current season.
Still have questions?
Please check out the SMBA website as it has the answers to most questions, or contact