Spring Tennis Lessons

How many times have you gone to the courts and started playing with regular balls and spent more time picking up balls than actually playing? Well why not join the new wave of playing tennis. This program run by a nationally certified Tennis Canada instructor will have you playing fun social games in one lesson. Learn a sport that can be played by all ages, enjoyed as a family or with friends, and give you life-long enjoyment. Adult and children's lessons will be run at the same time and location (Riverside Badminton and Tennis Club). Sign yourself up while you take your kids to their lessons!  


Class details are:

Thursday, May 26 - June 16

5-6 pm and 6-7 pm


Registration available for 5-12 year olds and Adult (13+).  Lessons cost $40.  Registration is open at registration.silverwoodcommunity.org

Silverwood Heights