Yellow Fish Road, - Protect Our River!

Did you know???? 

Water from our street drains directly into our river - UNTREATED!!

Help build awareness by painting storm drains in your neighbourhood with a yellow fish and the words “rainwater only” This helps remind your friends and neighbours that what goes down our storm drains affects our river.

Eight actions you can take to help keep our river clean:

 - Wash your car at a carwash to prevent soap from entering storm drains.

-  Scoop your dog’s poop and put it in the garbage.

 - Take hazardous household chemicals to designated drop-off locations.

 - Fertilize lawns and gardens naturally with compost, grass cuttings, and topsoil.

 - Keep insects away with natural predators such as birds (houses), ladybugs (leaf

       litter), spiders (leave webs), and bats (boxes).

 - Pull weeds by hand or host a weed pulling party.

 - Sweep dirt and sediment onto the lawn not the street.

 - Fix car leaks so fluids don’t get washed down the storm drains.

To learn more about Yellow Fish Road, see attached poster,  visit or call the Girl Guides at 306-652-3275 to borrow a painting kit and get involved.

Silverwood Heights