Seeking Communications Volunteer with SHCA

Are you interested in volunteering with the Silverwood Heights Community Association?  We have a Communications Co-ordinator position available if you have the time and interest.  Please see the following descriptions and contact or or call 306-321-7540 for more information.  If you and a friend are wanting to share one of these volunteer positions please let us know as we can work that out.

Communications Co-ordinator

Do you have a passion for communication? Do you like to always stay informed on recent news and events in our city and community? If so, we really need your help! As a volunteer, you are not expected nor required to work a certain number of hours per month. However, the following duties are generally what is expected of a communications co-ordinator:

  • Finding and sorting through news items that are relevant to Silverwood Heights
  • Submitting, editing, and/or writing the above articles/news items to the Web & Newsletter Director to post on the website or newsletter
  • Helping secure and communicating with potential advertisers for website and newsletter
  • Attending as many monthly SHCA meetings as possible (however, there are no meetings during the summer)
  • Time Commitment: Light monthly duties keeping the community updated