Marion Graham School Message

The following is a message from our Marion Graham school rep, Lori Kleiboer. "The 2012-2013 school year has had a wonderful beginning at Marion Graham with great welcoming activities for new students, the successful start-up of extra-curricular programs and amazing learning opportunities for students. We have just under 700 students attending which was the anticipated number.

This year, Marion Graham is the pilot collegiate for a school division program called Powering Up. As the school’s technology infrastructure is updated and staff works through the details and consistencies, students will soon be asked to bring their own wireless devices that connect to the WiFi to include more technology opportunities in learning. A permission form will be sent home with each student that gives more detail and explains the expectations to parents. We are excited about the extra opportunities this will bring to the students.

Tickets are now on sale for this year’s musical “Beauty & The Beast”. Tickets are available in the commons during lunch breaks. They are $8 and the show dates are December 4, 6, 7 & 8 at 7:00 pm.

This month we pleased to acknowledge two groups for Falcon of the Month. Our Jr. Boys Football Team went undefeated all season. Secondly, our Jr. Girls Volleyball Blue team are City Silver Medal Champions. We celebrate their successes.

Marion Graham’s next School Community Council meeting will be held on Mon, November 19th at 7 pm.

Lori Kleiboer Marion Graham Collegiate Representative, SHCA

If other schools would like to publish (occasional) messages on the SHCA News Page, or if readers have any feedback, please email