Planning for Baby?
There is a not for profit seminar currently running called
"Planning For Baby"
Check out the website or click on the image to the right for more information.
This seminar is offered by people from all walks of life at various times throughout the year. The seminar is run out of Birth Rhythms, a Pregnancy and Parenting Centre. Topics of discussion can be found at the website above.
The program has three Major Criteria that has to be followed, with no exceptions:
- The class is absolutely free and no one is charged at all, and. therefore; no profits are made whatsoever.
- No one including the presenters or guest speakers can endorse any one specific product or service that they may represent. Everything is Generic in nature.
- A DO Not CALL Registry is provided for each registrant to sign to eliminate any solicitation by the presenters or guest speakers who may be involved in the presentation.
Note: The views and opinions expressed in this seminar are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect those of the organizations the presenters represent professionally, nor the views of the Silverwood Heights Community Association. The seminars are not endorsed in any way by any organization whose products are sold by the presenters.