Volunteers Rock!

Our very own, Michele Cozart was a winner last night! She won the big door prize at the City of Saskatoon Volunteer Appreciation night. The Silverwood Heights Community is a winner too, as Michele has been volunteering as the indoor programming coordinator for the past 5 years.

Michele Cozart wins $300 Basket

Our community benefits from her efforts, as well as the time and energy of many other dedicated volunteers.

But we still need you! Even if you only have a few hours a month, a little time during one season or a shift or two a year – there are many positions available - and possibly one, just right for you.

Currently, we’re looking to fill the following positions:

  1. Civics/Community Safety Director
  2. Marion M. Graham School Representative
  3. Members at large – this is flexible! Come and check us out… we have a meeting next week.
  4. Rink Director
  5. Special Events Director
  6. Special Events Committee members

The benefits of volunteering with the Community Association are great and they include an invite to the fabulous evening that we attended last evening. As a thank you to the volunteers, the City of Saskatoon annually hosts a dinner and dance for all the Community Associations in the city.

At the event, we enjoyed a feast of German and Ukrainian favourites at the German Cultural Centre. It was a music filled party with the Magic Band and Flamenco dancers, complete with TONS of prizes.  The City of Saskatoon knows how to throw a party and they said it best, “Volunteers Rock!” Hope you can join us next year!

Email mjsirman@sasktel.net for more info about how you can get involved.