Ask A Dietitian Pilot in Saskatchewan

Service: Monday to Friday 9:00 to 1:00

Toll Free Line: 1-800-905-0970

Email: Facebook:

Twitter: Myth of the Day!/askadietitiansk

Dietitians of Canada (DC) and Saskatchewan Dietitians Association (SDA) are very excited about the pilot project called Ask A Dietitian. The service is live starting today, March 1, and will end on April 27, 2012. This initiative will be delivered in conjunction with Saskatchewan’s Nutrition Month Committee activities (March is Nutrition Month).

Ask a Dietitian will:

    • Provide callers with free access to a dieticians Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 1:00;
    • Improve access to credible nutrition information through a toll free telephone line and social media (e.g.Facebook, Twitter, etc.);
    • Increase awareness of dietitians in Saskatchewan and the valuable service/advice they provide;
    • Promote the role of the dietitian in the health and well being of SK residents; and
    • Allow statistics to be gathered in order to determine if there is interest in developing/continuing such a service on a long term basis.

Note: This is a health promotion service intended to provide general nutrition information and as such, will answer general nutrition questions and will not diagnose or make specific individual dietary recommendations. This service will not replace the advice that a doctor or individual counselling session with a dietitian would provide. Appropriate referrals will be made if follow up information or service is required.

Ask a Dietitian RD: Carrie Verishagen