Saskatoon Zoo Society

Did you know the Saskatoon Zoo Society offers:

  • day programs during school professional development days
  • camps during the winter and summer breaks
  • family‐based nature programs run jointly with the Saskatoon Nature Society
  • a popular pre‐school program (run in September/October and again in May/June – once a week for 8 weeks, mostly taken in conjunction with other pre-school programs)
  • education programs for numerous groups from schools, senior homes, pre‐schools, Beavers and Guides
  • annual Zoo Run and Family Day event at the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo

Members of the Saskatoon Zoo Society receive a discount to most programs and events as well as receiving entrance to the zoo for a year.

Check out their website at for all program information. Tell the Saskatoon Zoo Society you read this post on the Silverwood Community Association website and you will receive $5.00 off your purchase of a yearly family membership!