Good news for Saskatoon... especially Ward 5!

"Today, at a North Saskatoon Business Association luncheon, Premier Brad Wall announced that "discussions would take place on how to speed up the building of a bridge that would cross the river north of Saskatoon". The Star Phoenix article goes on to say that "(Premier) Wall says that 15 years is too long to wait for such a project, adding that even 8-10 years is too long". This is very good for Saskatoon, especially Ward 5. A north bridge will take much of commercial traffic (and semi trucks) around Saskatoon, rather than bogging down Circle Drive North. It would also enable an optional freeway route for people living in Saskatoon's North East who work in the North Idustrial (North West). This will clear up MUCH of the traffic congestion on 51st Street, Millar, Wanuskewin, Circle Drive North, and Attridge, and keep those roads from getting worn out so quickly.

I wish to thank former City Councillor, Gord Wyant (Saskatoon NorthWest MLA) for representing this issue to the provincial government on our behalf. We are still years away from this project coming to pass, but this is a start!!

We have been pushing this issue at Council, and there is much support for a north bridge from the Mayor and other Councillors. Initial contact with provincial MLA's and federal MP's is also positive, so I'm sure we'll begin to see this project move forward."

- Randy Donauer City Councillor Ward 5